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Pole Dance Girls Night!

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Tonight is your night for adventure, laughs and an experience you won't soon forget. Grab your friends, get dressed and be ready to focus on your femininity.

Pole dancing is great for:

  • Self Empowerment

  • Fitness and Fun

  • Creating Memories with Girlfriends

  • Bachelorette Parties

  • Gifts for Friends

  • Feeling Great after a Break-up

  • Feeling Great before a Break-up

  • Newly Single

  • Getting your Sexy On

And who knows, you may just love pole dancing and start competing. Today, modern pole is a combination of centuries’ old techniques, and has evolved into a modern day form that relies heavily on dance as well as fitness skills.

So, you think you can dance? Yes, then, we know, Girlfriend, you can definitely Pole!

What to wear for your Pole Dance GirlsNight?

We love Dirty Birdy Clothes for you Pole Dance Girls' Night. They are comfortable, keep you tight in all the right places, work well on the poles and look great, no matter your size.

out girls ladies night girls night out  girlfriends girls night girls' night girlsnight

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