GirlsNight Story Contest. Win!
Submit your favorite, true-life GirlsNight story, and see it posted on!
Three lucky top-story winners will receive an awesome SHANY Cosmetics Masquerade Eyeliner Gel Color Smudge Proof Set!
See details below.
Contest Details:
Tell us about your most entertaining GirlsNight, with all the drama and excitment, and you are entered in the contest to win these awesome gel liners, in amazing colors. You may be a winner! Real all the contest details below.
Submit stories to:
Any story submitted may be posted and winning stories will be highlighted. Only use real names if you have permission from your friends to do so; otherwise, you may use ficticious names. However, the story should be true. Keep material clean.
Stories should be limited to 1000 words or less. They may be short or long. Submit in .doc format (Word).
Drawing will take place on September 1st, 2016 so get your stories in today!
Winners will be contacted via email. If you are selected as a winner, your name and address will need to be provided, in confidence, to
By submitting a story, you are allowing to post your name as author, unless you request otherwise.
About the Prize:
12 smudge proof geliner (eyeliner gel) with trendy colors
Super fine quality ingredients from Luxembourg and Paris
Variety of colors to suit every style and occasion anytime
Long-lasting gel liner colors that stays on for 12 hours or more
Works same as SHANY liquid eyeliner , waterproof
Get Writing!